Welcome to Integrative Holistic Coaching

Dear Client, 

Welcome and congratulations on choosing to coach! Whether you are ready to create something new, heal something old, grow through something hard or transform your life, Integrative Holistic coaching will get you there faster. You are already among the few people that fundamentally understand that real change starts with yourself and that by investing in yourself you have invested in the power to not only change your life but to create the life you love.

I am Heather Steele, the Founder of Integrative Holistic Coaching, and I am honored to be your Life Coach during this journey. A little about me: I love being a Coach. I love working with people. I love writing curriculums that support other Life Coaches and clients. My journey started with my own breakdowns that led to me eventually finding the right support for my growth. I am grateful to the Mentors, Coaches, Teachers, Facilitators and Trainers I worked with that helped me heal, grow and create. The transformation I experienced had me want to learn more and how to work with others and give back what I had received. 

I have spent the last 25 years coaching, training, facilitating, and writing progressive curriculums.  In our work together, I will ask you to address how you assess your life, what you choose to focus on, where you spend your time and to know what you value. Integrative Holistic Coaching is not the same as therapy or other types of Life Coaching. It can feel harder at times because you are asked to do hard things and to change. It is not as "validating" as you might like and it includes Integration Homework. In addition, you will be asked to be accountable for your results and to heal your relationships. I realize that not everyone chooses love, leadership, and legacy but from what I have seen, those who do, seem to fly higher, land softer. By taking responsibility for your growth, you will begin to examine your thoughts, your beliefs, your blind zones, your judgments, and your habits. After self-awareness and understanding you can begin to transform the areas of your life that you thought were "hard" or "wrong" and things will soften, you will become more flexible and creative. As self-awareness, commitment and integrity grows, your life gets easier, less complicated, and more fun. 

Let’s get started!

Step 1: Register to coach: www.heathersteele.com/register
Step 2: Schedule your sessions: contact Heather at [email protected] 
Step 3: Purchase your sessions: https://www.heathersteele.com/whatweoffer

What can I do to succeed? 
1. Commit
2. Do your best (don't quit or run away from the work). 
3. Invest in yourself (purchase your sessions prior to your sessions).
4. Keep your word (if you break an agreement, clean it up and repair the relationship).
5. Be accountable for yourself - (if triggered, practice using one of the clearing tools you
learn in coaching) 

What won’t work?
1. Disrespecting the coach, another client, or the process.
2. Broken agreements without renegotiation or clean up.
3. Unwillingness to grow or change.
4. Harmfulness to yourself or others.
5. Unwillingness to address addiction. 

What is Integrative Holistic Coaching?

Integrative Holistic Coaching (IHC) is a transformational life coaching approach to growth and healing through Heather Steele’s IHC coaching method. The IHC foundational principles titled The Realizations are rooted in the client's innate ability to grow and heal. The coaching experience for the client includes a customized program that includes self-discovery and examination in thought, emotions, behaviors, unresolved trauma, and family systems work. The client will learn holistic tools that result in growth and an experience of freedom. Certified IHC Life Coaches are trained to coach clients from their bootcamp of pain to their life purpose. Through breakdowns to breakthroughs, the client grows and transforms who they are for themselves and who they are being in the world. Ultimately, IHC clients learn to create lives they love and fulfill their personal legacy.

I look forward to working with you.

Love your Life, Live your Legacy!

Heather Steele


50% Complete

Two Step

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